Earlier this year, in February, Sony launched the Xperia Beta program. Today, the Japanese company has announced that it is going to shut down the program.
The aim of launching the Xperia Beta program was to test Sony’s official Marshmallow software. According to Xperia Blog, there will be no more beta firmware releases in the near future. The last beta firmware release was build number 23.5.A.1.238.
Sony also confirmed that there will be a new commercial firmware release for the Sony Xperia Z2 and Sony Xperia Z3 in the coming weeks. The company further explained that handsets currently running the Xperia Beta program will receive automatic updates to the soon-to-be-released firmware.
But the news should not really come as a surprise. In April, this year, Sony announced that the Xperia Beta program would continue up to mid-2016.
There is no confirmation from the company shedding light on whether the program will be relaunched in the future.