LG has launched its flagship device LG G5 in India today at an event in Gurgaon. The device has been priced at INR 52,990 and is currently available for order on Flipkart and will soon hit the store shelves.
The LG G5 was unveiled at the MWC earlier this year. The G5 sports a QHD 5.3-inch display with a pixel density of 554ppi. It is powered by the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 coupled with 4GB of RAM. It runs on the latest Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow and supports dual-SIM. It offers an internal storage of 32GB which is expandable via microSD card up to 200GB. On the camera front, the G5 sports a 16MP rear shooter and an 8MP front-facing camera.
However, the highlight of this 2016 LG flagship in the form of what LG is calling ‘LG friends’. These are the various add-ons and modules which can be attached to the G5 to perform various functions. There is a slew of modules like the LG Cam Plus which is a camera add-on providing physical buttons as well as a battery of 4,000 mAh. The Hi-Fi Plus module, on the other hand, is a DAC which allows the G5 32-bit audio playback. It works both standalone as in attachment to the G5. Other accessories which are to be launched today include LG 360 Cam camera, LG Rolling Bot, LG 360 VR headset, LG Smart Controller, LG Friends Manager, LG Tone Platinum and, H3 by B&O Play.
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