WhatsApp Messenger has received a new update today, which bumps the version number to 2.16.41. The latest WhatsApp update is in beta phase, hence, available only for beta testers on Google Play Store. In case, you are not a beta tester and want to try out the latest version, you can download the APK file from the mirror sites and install it on your Android device.

whatsapp apk download for android

For those who are new to WhatsApp, the Facebook-owned WhatsApp Messenger  is completely free to download and use. Earlier, it was charging a small amount of $0.99/year, but the same has been pulled off recently, making the app completely free for the lifetime.

Coming back to the latest update, the new WhatsApp 2.16.41 beta APK file weigh around 27.81MB, and supports all Android devices running Android 2.1 or a later version of the OS.

For those who are going to download APK file from the internet, it is advised to surf only trusted mirror sites like apkmirror.com, apk4fun.com, and few others.

As stated earlier, the latest WhatsApp APK download file is currently a beta version, so it might be having some glitches compared to current public version. If you do not like the latest update, you can always roll-back to the stable version of WhatsApp Messenger.


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