Rocket League has received a new update on PC and PS4, and while the changelog is not particularly big, the changes will make for smoother gameplay on the whole. Here’s a look at what’s different.
First off, hitboxes have been improved for a number of vehicles: the Scarab, Grog, Breakout, Hotshot, Batmobile, Gizmo, Octane, Ripper and Dominus, each of which were various not long, wide or tall enough. The improved hitboxes should now more accurately represent the vehicles’ models, according to the developer.
Apart from hitboxes, collision issues have been repaired, preventing incorrect ball-bounce behaviour in some maps. The “Wasteland” Arena has seen particular improvements when it comes to inaccurate bounces. Finally, the game’s ESRB rating has been lowered from E10+ to just E. Now your eight-year old can truly exercise her mad Rocket League skillz.
And finally, a jump exploit that allowed Battle-Cars to jump “considerably higher than they were supposed to” has now been fixed, so you can no longer take advantage of that. Play fair or go home.
It should be kept in mind that these fixes apply only to the PC and PS4 versions thus far. There is no word on when this patch will apply to the Xbox One version of the game. Have a look at the full changelog below.
- Improved Hitboxes for multiple vehicles to more accurately represent their models; specifically…
- Fixed Scarab and Grog’s hitboxes, which were not long enough
- Fixed Breakout and Hotshot’s hitboxes, which were not wide enough
- Fixed Batmobile and Breakout’s hitboxes, which were abnormally long
- Fixed Gizmo, Octane, Ripper, and Scarab’s hitboxes, which were too tall
- Fixed Dominus’ hitbox, which was not long or tall enough
- Repaired collision issues that resulted in incorrect ball-bounce behavior in some maps.
- Additionally, the “Wasteland” Arena received collision improvements to eliminate inaccurate bounces
- ESRB Rating has been lowered to “E” from “E10+” (this should just affect parental control settings)
- Fixed an exploit that allowed Battle-Cars to jump considerably higher than they were supposed to