Apple fans are eagerly waiting for the company to introduce the new MacBook Pro models, and it is being said that the notebooks might be launched at the 21st March event. The new MacBook Pro 2016 will come with improved features over its predecessor. A lot of details are still unknown or unconfirmed, as Apple is keeping the new model under tight wraps.
The latest rumors according to a report by MNRDaily says that the MacBook Pro 2016 might be a hybrid notebook. This means that it might come with a detachable keyboard so that the device can be used as a tablet as well as a laptop. If so, then the display will obviously be a touchscreen panel. To us, it seems highly unlikely that Apple will bring touchscreen displays and detachable keyboards to the MacBook Pro lineup yet, because that would dent the sales of its iPad Pro that does the same thing. We are not saying it’s impossible, just that it won’t be happening any time soon.
It is being said that the two new MacBook Pro 2016 models will come with sixth generation Intel Skylake processors for faster processing and more efficiency. The notebooks are said to be coming with El Capitan OS, which will further enhance the battery life and will make the CPU more power efficient. Rumors say that Apple is targeting longer battery life in the new MacBooks.
Other speculations say that Apple might introduce solar panels on the MacBook Pro 2016, but we think that it is highly unlikely at least this year. Also, the new notebooks are might come with upgraded Retina screens with 4K resolution to enhance the multimedia experience of the users. It was earlier being said the new MacBook might come with a touchscreen display, but that too seems highly unlikely at this point as it might lead to the cost of the notebook going too high.
Other expected features in the MacBook Pro 2016 are USB-C ports, 2.8 GHz quad-core COU, 1TB of storage, and a Radeon R9 M370X GPU for the higher-end model. If Apple chooses not to launch the new MacBooks in March, the launch will most likely happen in June. Stay tuned for more updates!