Actor Morgan Freeman is known for his God-like baritone voice that is iconic in itself. It is perfect for a voice that guides and provides wisdom, directing us to the right path. Well, what if you could hear Morgan Freeman give you navigational directions while you are trying to find your way in the city? Google has now made it possible, so don’t be surprise.

how to get Morgan Freeman voice on waze navigation app

The free Waze navigation app from Google now gets Freeman’s voice as an option to be set for voice navigation. But Morgan is not the first in the app, as others like Mr. T, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Darth Vader too have lent their voice to the app.

Morgan Freeman’s voice in the Waze app will keep you entertained while playing the Vice President from the upcoming film London Has Fallen. Just to give you some examples:

  •  “Accident reported ahead. I’ll get a line to emergency command.”

  •  “The time has arrived, President Wazer. The world awaits your commands.”

  • “The American people are counting on you… to drive. Let’s go.”

  • “You’ve arrived. It’s been my honor and duty to see you through this mission.”

How To Get Morgan Freeman Voice On Waze GPS Navigation

Before doing anything else, install the Waze app on your smartphone and make sure it is updated to the latest version.

For Android:

  • Go to Settings > Sound> Voice Language? Morgan Freeman.

For iOS:

  • Tap on the Waze icon and go to Settings in the in lower left-hand corner of the screen. Now tap on the gear icon given in the left corner.
  • Tap the gear symbol and go to Sound>Voice Language> eng-Morgan Freeman.


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