Nintendo is keeping their next console, the NX, under some seriously heavy wraps, at least two developers have said recently. What could Nintendo be cooking under there that’s so valuable as to be kept a secret even from devs who want to make games for it?

nintendo nx

According to Martin Sahlin from Coldwood Interactive (developers of the recently released Unravel), Nintendo was “really secretive” about the NX, and asked Sahlin to pitch something for it – even before he could reveal hardware details on the console itself. This is quite the conundrum Nintendo is posing, and it’s unlikely to win them many friends when it comes to third-party developers.

Thomas Mahler, director of Ori and the Blind Forest, also expressed frustration with the secrecy surrounding the Nintendo NX. “We also talked to Nintendo and got absolutely nothing – I’ll never understand that,” he says in a post on NeoGAF. Mahler spells doom for Nintendo, saying that without attracting developers early, Nintendo stands to have no third-party support (which would not be a particularly different state of affairs than with the Wii U).

Mahler describes the situation as “just brain damaged”, and bemoans the lack of support for Unity and Unreal engines for the console, as well as the absence of dev kits.

What do you think it Nintendo making with such secrecy? Let us know in the comments below.


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