Microsoft launched Windows 10 Mobile in November 2015 along with the flagship Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL. However, the older Windows phones haven’t received the latest OS update yet and users are waiting for the Windows 10 Mobile update impatiently. Well, the wait is soon coming to an end, as Microsoft Mexico has announced on its Facebook page that the Windows 10 Mobile update will start rolling out on 29th February, but not all handsets will get the upgrade.

Windows 10

According to a report by Neowin, all the smartphones running Windows Phone 8.1 will get the Windows 10 Mobile update except a few unsupported devices. The free Windows 10 Mobile upgrade will be first rolled out to the Lumia 930, Lumia 830, Lumia 735, Lumia 640 and 640 XL, Lumia 634 (with 1GB RAM), Lumia 540, Lumia 535, Lumia 532, Lumia 435, and Lumia 430.

In order to receive the Windows 10 upgrade, users of these eligible Lumia devices will need to install the Lumia Denim software update first. You can check it out here. Social media representatives of smartphone companies can sometimes provide wrong dates, so we suggest you take this news with a grain of salt until Microsoft officially announces the global roll-out.

The Windows 10 Mobile update for Lumia devices comes with Mobile Continuum and Universal Apps system. The latter enables users to port Windows 10 PC apps on their Windows 10 Mobile devices. Meanwhile, the Continuum allows you to plug in your Windows 10 Mobile device to an external monitor and use a keyboard and mouse to use it as a PC desktop.

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