WhatsApp Messenger for Android has been on top of the charts in the Google Play Store all the time, even though it has got some worthy competitors like LINE, VIBER, etc. Surely, WhatsApp does not pack all the features that other messengers do, but what makes it the best is its simple and clutter-free nature. Keeping the UI simple and features to the basics is what developers have done to make WhatsApp the best Android messenger ever. It’s free to download and all you need is an internet connection to stay in touch with your folks.
WhatsApp Messenger free APK keeps receiving regular and timely updates, which has helped it remain smooth, stable, speedy, and full of latest features. If you are using WhatsApp as your primary smartphone messenger, we have a news for you. A new WhatsApp 2.12.429 (450881) update has been released by its developers just yesterday. The update (along with the app) is total 26.79 MB in size. It requires devices running Android 2.1 or above.
Sadly, no official changelog has been provided for the WhatsApp update apart from the information that this is a beta update. This means that the WhatsApp 2.12.429 APK update is not yet available in the Play Store. This being a beta release, it might contain some new bugs while fixing the previous ones. So if you don’t mind using a beta version of WhatsApp, you may try it out.
As for the changes, we are still exploring the update and will let you know if we find something new. You can download the WhatsApp 2.12.429 beta APK from APKMirror.com.