WhatsApp has remained the king of instant messaging services since the time it was launched. The app has got regular updates that have brought new features and better UI to the app along with more stability and speed. The developers at WhatsApp have been working hard to keep the app on top of the charts, and they have been successful so far. With over a billion active users, there is no doubt why WhatsApp, which is available as a free APK download, is so loved by users.
Well, if you are using WhatsApp, you should know that it has got an update. Yes, the developers have updated it again, this time with no significant updates. There’s no official changelog for this new WhatsApp version 2.12.423-450875, and we have not been able to find any changes except the version number. This new update has been released today and the complete file is 26.68 MB large in size. You need to be on at least Android 2.1 to be able to install this app.
Though no new features have been added to this update, you must still download this WhatsApp update for free to make the app speedier and more stable. Of course, we are still waiting for any new updates on the rumored video call feature for WhatsApp. Let’s see when will we get to hear the good news.
You can download the free WhatsApp APK from APKmirror.