Rumors and leaks surrounding the Xiaomi Mi 5 have reached their peak now, and the new flagship will most likely be unveiled next month. The phone will be seen boasting the latest Snapdragon 820 SoC and will come with a 5-inch FullHD screen. There will be a 16MP rear camera, and the phone is expected to be priced at $378 for the 3GB RAM / 32GB onboard storage variant. Liwan Jiang, co-founder of the company, has announced last week that production for the phone has started.

Recently, the Mi 5 was spotted in colorful press renders. We also showed you a video of the phone where it was seen flaunting a white body. And today, we have got another color for you. The Xiaomi Mi 5 has been pictured in the Black color. The photo was leaked on Weibo and was spotted by the guys at GadgetzArena. In one of the photos, the display of the phone has been blurred to hide the content feature. The Mi logo on the top left of the phone has been blurred in both the images.

The Xiaomi Mi 5 will also get a variant that will come with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of onboard storage memory. There might also be a Xiaomi Mi 5 Plus in line. Stay tuned!


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