A lot of Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge users had reportedly experienced problems with the new Lollipop updates, which had led to rollout delays and suspensions. The event was very unpleasant for users, so Samsung decided to learn a lesson from it.
The company has now initiated an Android Marshmallow campaign through which it will be improving the quality of the future firmware updates. The campaign will be powered by feedbacks from users who will be participating in the public beta testing.
Samsung will be sending out the Android 6.0 Marshmallow update soon to a few of its phones, the first ones being the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge. Both the devices are the previous flagships, which is why they deserve to be first in line for the latest Marshmallow beta builds.
The Marshmallow beta program will be occurring only in South Korea and only to those users who are subscribed to LGU+ and KT carriers. The program will run until 18th January, 2016. In case you fulfil the criteria and want to join the beta testing, go to the Play Store and get the Galaxy Care app to start.
The Marshmallow beta program will help Samsung make the next update more stable and bug-free and will ensure speedier rollout of the Marshmallow update.