If you are reading this article, then you probably like to stay online all day and are very protective towards your Wi-Fi router. But one of the biggest fears for such internet loving people is getting hacked, which is easily possible with someone who loves scouring new, unknown websites. Most of the Wi-Fi routers come with basic security and are closed source, which means that they rarely receive firmware updates to enhance your security.

turris omnia

But thanks to Turris Omnia, that’s going to change very soon. Turris Omnia is an open source Wi-Fi router and uses a Linux-distribution. So whenever a vulnerability is detected, the router gets a firmware update immediately. The router itself is very powerful and is capable of handling gigabit traffic. It can also act as a printserver, home server, and NAS. The router has an in-built virtual server too. You can also connect your external drive to the Turris router to transform it into a back-up server or D.LNA.

Talking about specs, the Turris Omnia gets a dual-core 1.6GHz ARM processor with 1GB DDR3 RAM, 4GB flash storage, 2 USB 3.0 ports, 1 Gbit Wan port, a 4G LTE SIM card slot, two mini PCI Express ports, pin headers with GPIO support, and 1 mSATA PCI Express port.

As of now, Turris Omnia is running an IndieGogo campaign, which is open for 45 days more. It’s production target was set to $100,000, but it has got a funding of $274,598 till now. They have promised IoT support if the final $350,000 goal is reached.


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