The Tokyo Game Show 2015 recently took place, and resulted in a few surprised faces to say the least. Rationally thinking, one would believe that the Tokyo Game Show 2015 is all about console gaming and that is why people and companies show up. This year proved that Mobile Gaming is taking over the gaming community. Games such as Order & Chaos 2, provide such an experience to gamers that it is noticeably drawing attention away from the old school console gaming.
However, Tokyo Game Show 2015 showed that the mobile gaming industry is not ready to handle such a huge need for quality online mobile games. According to Forbes, the mobile gaming section of the Tokyo Game Show was packed with people, yet the booths of mobile gaming companies did not have enough to offer, or at least, they did not offer enough games for people to try, but focused more on getting them sold.
We soon have to realize that mobile devices are evolving with such pace that they will be capable of running games in such quality that is not far behind PC or consoles in the near future. MMORPGs and other online genres will most likely be forced to spread their area of operation to the mobile gaming industry.