Expansys an online retailer in USA has permanently reduced the price of the Microsoft smartphones Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL. The devices are being sold for $175 and $200 by the online retailer, which translates into a discount of 17% and 31%, respectively.

Expansys USA cuts price of Lumia 640 and 640 XL
Expansys USA cuts price of Lumia 640 and 640 XL

Expansys also claimed that over the past few weeks the Lumia 640 XL has been one of their best-sellers, adding that it has even outsold many of the top Android phones during the period. Calling it “a hot device would be an understatement,” the retailer said.

Expansys dropped the price of the devices for a weekend over a month ago, but these price cuts are here to stay.


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