WhatsApp started as a very promising mobile messaging app and soon became a sensation. WhatsApp gave a lot of people their first experience of sending images, videos, emojis, messages, etc. for free from their phones without paying for anything but internet. WhatsApp soon went on to become the most popular messenger in the world and was bought by Facebook.
WhatsApp has been declared free forever recently, and the awesome app keeps receiving new updates to keep adding awesomeness to it. A lot of recent updates added some new features in WhatsApp that are worth noticing. So if you haven’t updated WhatsApp recently, you might be missing out on some really cool options. We have created a list below of all the recent features added to WhatsApp. Check them out and see which one you don’t yet know about.
Pinch-to-Zoom and Pop-out Videos
When you view any video shared in WhatsApp, you can now pinch-to-zoom just like it’s in the photos. Also, you can keep the video in a pop-out floating window while you check other WhatsApp messages. There’s some video editing too now, and you can crop or trim video to reshare it.
Share PDFs,Cloud Sharing
WhatsApp now supports PDF sharing, which can be done from the same attachment button that you tap to send images, videos, contacts, etc. Also, you can not only share PDFs from your phone but also from other cloud apps like OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.
Share Images from Cloud Apps
Just like for PDFs, you can now share images in WhatsApp from the OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox app. It may not seem like much of a large update, but it gives you the freedom of saving your device’s storage space and storing your images on the cloud.
Media, Docs, and Links are Sorted Now
With your contacts sending all those images, videos, links, and PDFs, it can be a bit difficult to find what you are looking for. Thankfully, WhatsApp now sorts out all the different types of things shared. Just tap the three dots on the top right corner of the app, and select Media. You will see three different tabs for Links, Documents, and Media, which contain all the relevant stuff.
Keep Starred Messages While Clearing Chat
Many people like to clear chats from time to time to save storage space on their device. But there are some important messages that need to be kept. Well, WhatsApp now lets you clear chats without deleting the Starred messages, so all your important stuff remains.
More Control for Download Settings
Many WhatsApp users worry about the data usage when using WhatsApp on 4G, 3G, or Edge. Fortunately for them, WhatsApp has an option called Data Usage that can be found in WhatsApp’s Settings. There are extended options now for controlling auto-download for media. So you can set it to download images only when on mobile data, download everything on WiFi, and download nothing while roaming.
WhatsApp Beta to Get New Features First
WhatsApp developers always release new features in the beta versions of WhatsApp, which can be installed from the official WhatsApp website. If you are bit enthusiastic and would like to be on the latest version with the latest features, you can install WhatsApp beta. Do note though that betas are buggy and can cause minor to significant issues.