My 600-lb Life is a reality television series currently airing on TLC. The series focuses on the life of exorbitantly obese persons – weighing around 600lbs – and their attempts at reducing their weight to a healthy level. The series captures their journey as they go through life managing obesity and taking the assistance of gastric bypass surgery performed by Houston-area surgeon Younan Nowzaradan. Originally a 5-part mini-series involving 4 obese patients, new episodes were filmed because of the popularity of the show.

Brandi and Kandi (image source: TLC)
Brandi and Kandi (image source: TLC)

My 600-lb Life Season 5 Spoilers

My 600-lb Life Season 4 debuted on January 6, 2016. Having received support from viewers throughout the season, Season 5 is expected to delve deeper into the lifestyles of exorbitantly obese people. My 600-lb Life is all set to return with Season 5. The Season 5 will begin with the story of Brandi weighing 575 lbs and Kandi weighing 604 lbs, both 29-year-old twins. Their father currently weighs 800 lbs and is bed-ridden. He was very active in the past. In the show, Brandi and Kandi will be joined by their father.

Brothers Steven, aged 34 and weighing 787-lbs and Justin, aged 27 and weighing 540-lbs will also be part of Season 5. Steven and Justin were once very normal. They started gaining weight after their parents separated. Season 5 will also include the journey of Tracey as she seeks help from Dr. Now. In addition to extreme obesity, Tracey faces extreme disfiguring of her legs. The season also features James, 800-lbs, who was once an active father and who has now become bed-bound.

The show’s rating isn’t exceptional per se. In spite of the average reception, the reality series is quite popular among the target audience – generally obese patients who are looking at finding ways to reduce weight and lead a normal life. The Season 5 started airing yesterday, January 4, on TLC.


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