AMD’s upcoming high-end Vega GPUs have been garnering a lot of attention recently. Touted to be Nvidia’s ultimate competitor, these high-end GPUs will be launched very soon. The launch is expected to take place at a special event, likely before Taiwan’s Computex, that will take place between May 30 and June 3, 2017.

AMD Vega 10 specs

AMD Vega 10 vs Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti

According to reports, AMD will be launching their high-end Vega GPUs in May. AMD had unveiled the widely celebrated Vega GPU at CES 2017. The event was followed by the chip giant presenting an overview of the Vega architecture, revealing some key new features and technologies. Vega 10 will handle memory traffic much more efficiently. The new architecture has significantly cut back on wasteful memory allocations. AMD showed a demo with two examples that showing the High Bandwidth Cache Controller reducing wasteful memory allocations by as much as 50%. With technology that can turn 8GB memory into 16GB memory (the output offered by 8GB Vega card will be similar to the 16GB graphics card) and several other top-of-the-line specs and features, AMD Vega 10 is all set to take on Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti.

On the other side of the battle, we have Nvidia’s Pascal architecture. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 is expected to come with a major boost to gaming systems. GeForce GTX 1080 Ti boasts of 12 billion transistors, much higher than the 7.2 billion GTX 1080. It’s expected to come with 4.8GB RAM and will likely launch with a price range $650 – $1200. That said, AMD is likely to strategically price the upcoming Radeon Vega.

Unique architecture, high bandwidth cache, and other cutting edge technologies will surely set AMD on par with Nvidia in the Graphics card space. We may finally get to see some serious competition from AMD!


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